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Cold War - Cuba: Bio



Create an informative game with indirect conflict, using language as a mechanic.


The Cuban Missile Crisis was the perfect balance between tension, milieu, and resource-constraints. The player had to deal with a lack of vocal and facial context - JFK was a face with menu text. Modulating the music with tone and switches allowed players to understand the immediate consequences of a choice - slow for calmed, moderate for tense, thunderous for danger, and total stop for a game-over.


Constraints narrowed depth of gameplay, but user-tests indicated a better understanding of the events of the Cuban Missile Crisis. Unfortunately, the tension caused by the music and language did not promote exploration within the first play-through.



Players must communicate via Teleprinter to reach a peaceful solution to the Cuban Missile Crisis. Fixed GUI message prompts give players a response to solve - or cause - nuclear holocaust. 



Uses base and Modern Tile assets from RPG Maker VX Ace.

Made in RPG Maker VX Ace.

Historical Sources in the Credits - this is a product of fiction; any misinformation is unintentional/coincidental and subject to correction.


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Cold War - Cuba: Bio
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